How To Make Love The Goal Of Life…..


“Love is the Source; Love is the Path; Love is the Goal “– says Sathya Sai Baba.

How is this Love felt or displayed in any of the actions we undertake in this world?

Is it Love to question?

Is it Love to be ignored?

Is it Love to want?

Is it Love not to grant that want?

Is it Love to attack?

Is it Love to defend?

Is it Love to doubt?

Is it Love to trust?

Is it Love to resent?

Is it Love to accept?

Is it Love to rise on other’s shoulders?

Is it Love to claim something forcibly taken as inheritance?

In this life’s drama of give and take, blames and counter blames, win and lose, withhold and share on a need to know basis – what role has Love?

From micro to macro issues, individuals to countries, when each one is firmly rooted on the one side of the coin, trying to peer through their own silo and see what they want to or wish to see, how can Love be the Source, the Path and the Goal?

Can a blind person ever understand or comprehend the enormity of an elephant?

Can our dualistic attitudes to life ever fully understand Love?

Can we ever hold both night and day without labelling one as good and the other bad, but see both as the full range of our vision?

16th Century Spanish writer – Lope De Vega sums it up very well in his poem

 Various effects of Love

To be fainthearted, to be bold, possessed,

abrasive, tender, open, isolated,

spirited, dying, dead, invigorated,

loyal, treacherous, venturesome, repressed.

Not to find, without your lover, rest.

To seem happy, sad, haughty, understated,

emboldened, fugitive, exasperated,

satisfied, offended, doubt-obsessed.

To face away from disillusionment,

to swallow venom like liqueur, and quell

all thoughts of gain, embracing discontent;

to believe a heaven lies within a hell,

to give your soul to disillusionment,

that’s love, as all who’ve tasted know too well.

 So, it is bearing witness to all that without just becoming a winner or a victim – that witness is the Source, the Path and the Goal – Love –  a prize that cannot be won in one life time.

Off we go on to the roller coaster in the meantime, one drama after another…until we learn to truly love which means…

To Be a Witness and taste life’s sweet and bitter treats without complaining

Until next time

With Love and Respect

Padma Ayyagari